Creative Steps
Non-Profit Organizations
- 2708 Wilshire Blvd. #419 Santa Monica CA 90403
- (310) 919-6678
- Send Email
Monday through Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
About Us
Aurelia Foundation’s Creative Steps program is an individualized, community-based day program designed to support the needs of each client. Imagine the struggle people with developmental disabilities, including physical, behavioral & social challenges, have navigating their way in the community. Imagine the difficulties their families have balancing caregiving responsibilities with jobs and household chores.
At Creative Steps, our mission is to support and nurture a lifestyle of work, play and social engagement for every client that maximizes their potential for a lifetime of growth, health, happiness and achievement. And to do so in a way that enhances the quality of life for every family.

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