Assistance League of Santa Monica
Non-Profit Organizations
Thursday and Friday, 11 am to 3 pm
Saturday, 10 am to 2 pm
About Us
Assistance League of Santa Monica is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation of member volunteers who assist children and families in need in the Santa Monica Bay Area. In 1937 we became the 4th chapter of National Assistance League, which now has over 100 chapters throughout the US. Our members create, assess, and administer our philanthropic programs and fundraising activities. A social component is very important as our member volunteers use their education and life skills to help their community while making friendships that endure.
Our Thrift Shop is our main source of funding. Donations are always welcome and are tax deductible. By popular vote, each year from 2017 to 2023 we won Buy Local Santa Monica’s Most Loved Santa Monica Thrift Shop. And now we also have an online thrift shop at https://assistance-league-santa-monica.myshopify.com/
Those who donate to and buy from our Thrift Shops are supporting the community with scholarships, camperships, vision services, backpacks, clothing for school children, and partnerships with other nonprofits giving food, clothing, and housing to those in need.
Community members can join our email list to get updates on special Thrift Shop sales and other news about the shop and our philanthropies. Email infoALSM@frontier.com to sign up.

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